
django-environments should run on any modern version of Python (v2.6 and up) and Django. It was tested to be compatible with Django 1.7, but should run on older versions as well.


As django-environments make heavy use of Unix Shell scripts, it will only run on Unix- variants (Linux/Mac OS X). Windows support is currently not in scope.

Compatibility with virtualenv

Please note django-environments does not in any way depend on virtualenv, although it can be used together with virtualenv quite well.

When using django-environments within a single virtualenv environment, you can switch between Django projects as often as you like. If you use virtualenvwrapper, use bin/postactivate and bin/predeactivate for calling djenv and djexit respectively.

Compatibility with Python < 2.6

In the example settings files, from .. import * is used. You will need to change this to from <project>.settings import * for older versions of Python. The downside is that you will have to include the project name in your settings, which is a violation of the DRY principle that django-environments tries to live by.