Inclusion in other projectsΒΆ

If you want to (temporarily) use a locally checked out version of django-environments (as opposed to an official PyPI distribution) in other projects, you can do so easily using pip install -e (a.k.a. easy_install develop).


The following example assumes you have succesfully completed a development install of django-environments into ~/dev/django-environments.

First, activate the virtualenv for your other project:

$ workon some-other-project

Next, all you need to do is simply install django-environments as an “editable” pip requirement:

$ pip install -e ~/dev/django-environments

You should now be able to source the file containing the django-environments shell functions:

$ source
$ type djenv | head -n 1
djenv is a function

Also, the djenv package should now be available on the Python path:

$ python -c "import djenv; print djenv.__version__"
1.0 # or current version


Any changes to the Python code in your original django-environments checkout should now be directly reflected in your other project. Changes to any shell script however, require that you re-run pip install -e.

For more information, see Usage.